The .NET addition went flawlessly. There is something called My MSN, too. If you use MSN Messenger, you have My MSN, even if you haven't used it.
But adding the blog to My Yahoo was a different ball game.

You are taken to a screen where you can Add Content.
As much as I tried, it didn't work. And after e-mailing Yahoo, getting their reply and e-mailing them again - that is wasn't as easy as submitting the blog to their database and viola, it would work - they did reply:
Thank you for writing to My Yahoo!. Please be assured that we are aware of this problem and are working to fix it. We appreciate your reporting it to us -- your input helps us identify ways to constantly maintain and improve our services. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your patience while we correct this bug. Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
So, at least I know it's not just my browser or some weird problem on my computer. By the way, I tried adding with both Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox. No dice.
Hey, I've found a huge list of place where you can submit your blog. Now some require creating accounts, but most are just - Add your RSS feed here: I'll share that with you soon. In the meantime, keep blogging great content and say, keep praying for the people in the path of Hurricane Rita. This one is a monster.
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