Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Increasing Traffic to Your Blog

This can be one of the most difficult parts of monetizing your blog. Yes, you want to have great content. As I posted before, you can use tools such as RSS Equalizer in addition to coming up with great content on your own. These simply facilitate filling out your page.

Initially, it wasn't too hard to get your site listed in the major search engines; Yahoo, Netscape, Lycos, AltaVista, etc. You simply added your URL to their crawler link and wait for inclusion. Things have changed. It's become a science. And, as programming algorithms for searches and related linking, relativity weight, prominence, among other things, it has become difficult even for the most skilled Search Engine Optimization company to stay abreast of changes.

Okay, you say, you lost me at algorithms.

Don't fret, there is hope for you. My study of what brings a steady flow of traffic is having something someone wants to read. Crappy content will get you nothing. For instance, you're reading this blog because I took time to research and provide you with something beneficial. And that's the key word - will your viewers "benefit" from reading your site? Here's the second key word - "value".

There's a great quote by Zig Ziglar that goes something like, "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." Work at getting people what they want.

Next, and this one is easy, make sure you have a nice looking blog. Work hard on keeping it looking professional. Don't clutter it up with unnecessary buttons and odd graphics. If it looks questionable to you, leave it off. Too much of anything is bad - Mom told you that, and she's always right.

Okay, one more tip and we're done for today. Be generous with links. What comes around goes around (didn't Mom say that, too?). You'll notice I have a few links in the sidebar. Those will not hurt your Google Page Rank.

I'll discuss this further as there are many more traffic increasing tips to pass along. Don't forget to get back to the basics and submit your site to the search engines manually. Just make sure when you do, you've done your homework to get them looking awesome and remember that "content is king!"

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