Lately I've been experimenting buying low paying keywords with my Google AdWords account and directing the traffic to my YPN paying pages. So far the results have been spectacular.
Am I saddened however, to learn that with the latest Jagger 3 update that I've totally lost my Page Rank. But that's okay. Page Rank is nice and as we've discussed here, isn't everything, but it is important. I'm resolved to make the loss into a project where we can build back to where it was, a 5, and maybe more - who knows!
Okay, back to AdWords and YPN.
Well, to make this work, you have to have both. If you don't have a YPN account, you can do this will AdSense, but the return won't be as much. My feeling is that this is because there is more volume of ads with AdSense, and YPN is in Beta - not as many to choose from, so the pricing is a tad higher.
When I first started using AdWords ads to direct people to my YPN sites I used a broad keyword match. This means I chose the word "widgets" as a keyword with no quotes. So if you searched for Widgets in America or Pictures of Widgets, my ad would appear. Why is that a bad thing?
Initially, you may think, that's not so bad. We get everyone looking for widget-anything. But here's the whole key to using your AdWords account: You must use keywords that will bring to your site people who will take action with your content - not just people browsing to see what you're doing.
Please get this point because you'll save thousands of dollars over the long term on click that did not convert to anything.
I'm advertising with AdWords, and the YPN ads being displayed on that site are asking you to check out widgets at such and such store, better widgets, etc. Now the first search above - "Widgets in America" - who might type that in? Somebody interested in the widgets there, no?
And the site tells them about the very best widgets in America and what quality they may find there. "If" they are looking for widgets -
and this is the secret of using AdWords - "if" they are looking for widgets, then they are most likely a candidate for the ads running on that page. But why is that? Do you see the magic, yet?
If they are checking widgets, they are most likely wanting to learn more about that industry. And if they are interested in that industry, you can bet they are thinking of related products and services. When they arrive at the page and see pictures of the widgets, and read about how they are so spectacular, they will also see the Yahoo! ads that ask that they check out orange widgets or low cost widget boxes. Certainly they will at least be curious.
Now stay with me on this, because you can think that - okay, we got them to the page and our job here is done. That was just with the person who searched for "Widgets in America". What about the person who searches for "Pictures of Widgets"? My AdWords ad will match that because remember I am using a "broad" match - which means when they type in the word "widgets", my ad shows up on that page.
But what of this person searching for "Pictures of Widgets"? Why are they searching? Do you suppose they are wanting to buy some? Do they need cheap boxes for them or great, new designs of them? Odds are they are looking for some beautiful pictures and that's about it.
So what are the chances they will click on the YPN ads displaying orange widgets and cheap boxes? Almost zero - there is no interest in that for them.
Unfortunately for me, I paid the same amount of money for them to go to my page as I did the more qualified person who will probably want to know how "low" is low cost boxes - will click on the YPN ads and I will make some money.
See what is happening? You want to ask for the people who will most likely click on an ad on your site. So target those keywords. Don't use a broad match. For the widget site, I use (and this is just like a search engine, you add the quotes), "widgets in america", "american widgets", "orange american widgets" (another good chance they are thinking about the latest colors), "low cost american widgets", etc. You get the idea.
I don't want people who are looking for pictures, looking for widget news, widget history, etc. And that leads us to the next point - important as well - can you make money doing this AdWords/AdSense or AdWords/YPN thing?
The answer is yes! The reason is in keyword targeting. The keyword - widgets - in a broad match is more expensive than most targeted matches. But not always. Sometimes you will find that "florida widgets" is more expensive than just - widgets. (Exchange your keywords for mine.) This especially happens when the keyword is a high paying one, take for example "green widgets".
But, listen - when you target, you may pay a little more per keyword - but it is still "much" cheaper than a broad keyword match, where everybody and their brother will be searching for items not even in the same ballpark as your AdSense or YPN ads. If you find that you are spending too much for your AdWords, then set the daily limit back.
Another great tip I can pass along to you is to try to keep your ads appearing in the top 4 positions on the Google Search page. I see the best return on my keyword when I'm at the 4 - 6 position. Anything greater than a 6 and your ad will appear down the page (I'm talking about the text ads that appear when you do a search with Google, along the right hand column), too far to be seen - in other words, off the page unless you scroll down. People don't normally scroll down.
So keep your AdWords position around 4 or 5. If you go any higher, you're probably spending too much for that keyword to make a profit on your AdSense or YPN ads - when people go to your site and click them. This is key, so learn this and make sure you don't pass higher than a 4, unless your AdWords ad is the only one showing up.
And finally, if the keywords you selected in AdWords don't get at least a 0.5% click through rate (CTR), after 1000 impressions of your ad on the search pages, Google will most likely disqualify it and you'll need to increase your bid. Watch your keywords at least four times a day and increase as necessary until you are in the 4 or 5 position.
Let me know how you do. This is a great way to make great money with AdWords (advertising) and Google AdSense or Yahoo! Publisher Network. I will try to answer any questions you might have.