But one character kept in character as being the strangest act on the festival. If you've ever done any work with entertainers, you know they can have very crazy personalities. And Prince fit that description to a "T" (or is it

My good friend Carlinhos of Sao Paulo, Brazil, was contracted by MTV to provide the sound mix for Rock in Rio II. Naturally, each band must do a sound check before they go live. These were while the event was closed. Carlinhos made everyone sound great.
When Princes' band ran through their sound check, everything was super. The first few bands went on and MTV had a sweet mix. However, when Prince finally came on stage (he delayed his "entry" by over an hour), his sound people had switched all the inputs to the feed to MTV.
Most sound engineers would take half of the set to figure out the inputs - drums, which were on input 5 through 11 are now scattered in the 18 - 23 range. Vocals were where the keyboards are. And so on.
Carlinhos had the mix nailed in a little under a minute and a half. He figured out which input was switched and quickly labeled it. It was a huge challenge, but Carlinhos was up to it.
Since I started on the Internet in the early 90's (I had my own FidoNet node through the 80's, and ran several BBS's), it is a chore to keep up with change. What used to be a great business model six months ago - today won't float. Many companies, mainly the search engines, are switching the mix - changing the rules. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes because they simply want to improve their game.
There are few models you can implement and just watch them make money. Most of contextual ad businesses take work keeping fresh content and making sure keywords are worthwhile. You can do that by reading blogs like this.

When this happens, Google will not return to your site for many moons. It pays to take the time to do it right the first time. If you are not using your own copy, make sure you have someone else write it for you originally.
What is a good way to do this?
Elance.com is one place to find good writers for less than you think. It doesn't pay to write your own sites as a business. You need to have others do that for you. Spend your time researching and developing new websites. Not spam sites - real meat and potato sites that people will enjoy reading.
Make sure in your game plan you have set aside time to learn continuously about your trade. It's important. How many hours do you spend learning the market, and do you think Google is really changing faster than before? Thoughts?
Hello Dave,
I stumbled upon your blog a little while back when I was researching Adsense Wealth Empire. I have read all the entries and appreciate the wealth of information you offer. I finally built a new PC for AWE and I'm getting ready to install the software this weekend...
I don't know *that* much about how AWE works, but I was under the impression that it "creates" (or finds) fresh content for you. Since your most recent post talks about writing your own content or hiring out the job, and not using ready made content, are you saying that AWE could get me into trouble with Google?
Exactly, Andrew. You need to develop your own content for the AWE system. They do have a content generator, but it simply uses content that already exists on the web.
And what happens is that Google looks at your site, and the original site, and makes a decision on which would better serve its users - and therein, you lose.
One of my readers has found a creative way to rewrite the content he posts. That's what I wrote about in the AWE Update. And even Roy Oron says he's creating some new videos along this line. Apparently their modalities aren't working as well as they thought.
Thanks for the question, Andrew. What are you doing currently?
Hi Again Dave,
Currently, I have a full time job that is internet related. I did manage to make a few bucks back in the late 90's with affiliate marketing, but things have changed a lot since then and I am looking forward to getting caught up on how things work these days. I sure wish I had stayed in the game though. It probably would have been a lot more profitable than my job... ;-)
Thanks for the quick reply. I stop by regularly, so you can be sure you'll hear from me again. :-)
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