Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Using EzineArticles in Your Content Network

My wife and I just got back from the curriculum meeting with our third grader's teacher. Along with twenty-some other parents, we sat in tiny blue chairs while listening to what promises to be a fun and exciting year. And as soon as I got back, I wanted to check on a test I've been doing using Ezinearticles.com articles in my content network.

I've never used these articles before, but rather, had either someone write the articles for me, or I wrote them myself or I painstakingly used some article re-writer.

But on one of my sites that I write about Internet marketing, a fellow commented that he had the best "re-writer" in the world and that I had to check it out. So I contacted him, because I like to check out almost anything that I feel will give me an edge. And he wrote me back and provided me with the software which works with all the blogs I have.

You'd be a big dummy to convert all of your work to the latest whim. With something as crazy as a re-writer, it just makes sense to test it out on one or two sites. And that's what I did. The site is about wedding speeches. I know - you're going to email me and tell me how lame that is because everyone else is doing it.

It is a tough market because everybody and his brother has used that market as an example for Internet marketing. Wedding favors, speeches, wedding anything - there you go. But I used the re-writer on this site and simply cut and pasted the articles from Ezinearticles. Normally for this cardinal sin you would get lost on page 200 of the SERPs.

But I leave you with this screen capture of the last few days of stats that I've been tracking. I also did a lot of checking for identical content and only my page and the original article rank at the top - pretty cool! And I look to do this with a few other sites. Why not?


Unknown said...

Dan would like to know what software you use for the re-write.
I am looking for a easy way to do just that myself; please send the link of this software to my email.


Spyware Captain said...


I always like reading your posts and followed along with your 90 Day Challenge.

Still snot ure about 3waylinks!

I notice you've been quiet for a while at "monetize" for a while.

I made a note and checked back. I wanted to know what the software was used as a "re-writer"... I do a lot with article marketing and always looking for something to help out!

Can you post the info? I'll also try sending you a email.

Keep up the good work!

All the Best,
