Friday, August 24, 2007

It's Raining Visitors

Tropical Almond tree About six years ago my family and I were staying at the Sheraton Hotel in Rio. I brought my boogie boards from the States because there's a great boarding spot just to the left of the hotel. Around the Sheraton Rio there are these very old tropical almond trees. They are majestic and beautiful and a perfect tree next to the ocean. In fact, I've seen these trees all throughout the Caribbean and South America. They are hardy and large leafed. I thought they would do great next to the house in Florida for shade.

Tropical Almond at Sheraton RioI took four seeds that lay on the ground around the trees at the Sheraton in Rio back from Brazil with me, smuggling them in my suitcase. When I arrived home, I planted all four seeds in a pot and waited.

To my surprise, all four germinated! I planted them on the south side of the house, just right for the summer sun.

Today I was out in the yard trimming some of the fast growth of plants here in the summer. I climbed up in the tropical almond to trim some branches. Out there for about 20 minutes it surprised me that when I came down it was raining.

Because of the size of the leaves, and because it wasn't raining that hard, I didn't know it was raining. I was busy with the trimming and didn't feel the drops.

Hey, it's not even a third-way through our project and already I am reaping the benefits of the traffic I'm creating by following the steps I've outlined here. And when you're working on all this, it is surprising that little by little traffic is coming by to check out your website.

It's important to keep working. You have the tools, you have the steps outlined for you. Get out there and keep trimming!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What Are Your Results So Far?

Okay, just taking a look at some of my metrics on the 4 sites to date. One of my sites, the one about acid reflux,, is doing poorly. I haven't received any queries from the search engines, even though the site is indexed.

But that doesn't mean diddley squat if you're in an area that's just really saturated.

I chose "acid reflux" to show you an example of a bad niche choice. This is a condition where when you get keywords, you'll need to dig a little deeper to find out if they can stand up to scrutiny. Acid reflux alone has a KEI of 456. That's awesome, but the competition (say - heavy hitters) is fierce!

Next, is doing well with the phrase "gold investments". This one was easy because right now there is a rush on gold. With China and India becoming more and more of economic powers, they want gold - and gold is hard to mine and find. The dollar isn't so strong either, so prices of gold are at all time highs. A few of the keywords I've focused on were showing right up there in the search engines (and we only started a few days ago). But right now they are not in the first few pages for search.

history of bullion market
gold industrial purposes
rules of buying gold
karat gold jewellry
californian gold jewellery
9 karats

This fluctuates and is to be expected when the site is new and has no reputation. When the articles I've created for the site start becoming distributed, the site's reputation will improve.

The next site, Three Best Dogs, is doing well. Here's a few URL's to show search results based on terms I'm focusing on:

the best miniature dog
mini dachshund tea cup
list of small dog breeds and thier characteristics
teacup breed of dogs that dont shed
ideal dog for single person

That's a few. You can see how well this site is doing. It's just going to grow. How this is different from acid reflux is based on some work I am doing. I've started compiling keyword lists on specific topics then running them through this psychological part and have found these work much better.

Lastly, is site 4. It is doing well. I'm including news stories, rewritten, of course, to make the site more appealing.

Take care and we'll have a new lesson later in the day.