Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Google's Website Optimizer

This is a tool that should be able to assist you if you make a living by monetizing your website with contextual ads.

Google's Website Optimizer is a tool that allows you to track variations on your landing page. So, now you'll know if the leaderboard is better converting than the block. Maybe...

I have not been graced with a reply to an invitation I received this morning to check out the Optimizer. My concern is that there will be no way to add an ad click as a conversion URL. However, it's been done with Google Analytics and both AdSense and YPN ads, so maybe the creative Javascript authors will cook up the appropriate code.

This bears checking out because if it does accommodate an ad click as a conversion, it will be very beneficial.

Here's the URL. Let me know your thoughts.

How are your conversions going? Let me know.