Have you noticed? Have you received the tell-tale email that says "we can get you to the top of Google!"? It's the latest rush and if you're not a part, then you need to be. And it's not hard to get involved. In fact, you probably already know tons more than your local dentist about getting pages indexed in Google, and then working on getting them ranked higher in search.
Why this is rubbish to local businesses
When we approach businesses we don't tell them we'll get them to the first page of Google for their search term. That is like speaking in a foreign language they don't understand. It doesn't make sense and seems like a waste of time to them. What do you suppose they are really searching for from the Internet?
Customers are the Bottom Line
Yes, new customers - those who come in simply because of what you've done helping the local business get their pages and site ranking higher in Google. They don't give a flip about first page, number 10, whatever - what they want to hear from your lips is that you're concerned about making them more money.
How can the search engines make me more money
It's a fact that the lion share of the clicks go to the company in the top positions in Google. You never go searching deeper than page three - probably never more than the top 5 results. So this is what everyone else thinks as well. But what the merchant wants to hear is that these will convert into sales - not that you can get him or her to some magical position on this website. They really could care less. Money is where it's at.
Speak their language
So when presenting this whole local search optimization to them, it's important to speak their language. Don't sound like you are a lawyer. I remember when asking a friend (Brazilian) who dabbled in Japanese art work as a side hobby, some advice about getting a divorce in Brazil, they turned into a totally different person and started speaking this lawyerese that was simply a put-off. I never did do any business with them because I couldn't understand a word they were saying, even though I understand Portuguese. It was because they were using terms I didn't use nor could relate to in my day to day work. What a disappointment.
Provide value
Finally, provide extreme value. Give way more than expected and blow them away with what you can do for them online. This will make them a lifetime customer of yours and one that will sing your graces to their friends forever. It just makes sense to give.
This helps - work your plan and you'll be rewarded greatly. Ask me for advice in this.