Yesterday, when I scanned through my Wall Street Journal, I was excited to see in the Marketplace section, a big article on how MSN is poised to do big business with Video Ads. Have you tried any of the Google video ads on your site?
But this is a little different.
MSN will be competing with Yahoo Video, YouTube, AOL Video, and Google Video. Yes, MSN already has Video - to the tune of 15.6 million visitors a month. That's a ton of exposures!
These are those pesky video ads that begin before you start watching what you want. MSN will be adding those to their videos, soon. The demand is there.
What was even a bigger surprise, was to see Danny Sullivan from Search Engine Watch in the Money section of USA Today, yesterday. WOW! Danny got the top banner! And the story hit home for me because it tells how Danny lives with his wife and kiddos in Chitterne, England - a town so small and quaint, they just got DSL about a year ago (June 2005).
It's a must read for you and am happy to say, is available online to you. Give it a read.
A few friends are headed out next week to the Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo in San Jose, California next week. This is a must attend - and I'm still looking to get out there for a few days. Check the schedule for the next conference and let's go!