You can make money from your website. Today it's easy to add advertising, but I show you which work best, and ways to target to get more clicks.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Money
I left off here with the 90 day plan to making a great income with AdSense. And a lot of you have written to me telling me that the strategy is working well. One of my last posts on the subject was that I was going to put all the posts in a document and market it. Would you buy it?
What is it? Making money with AdSense and blogs has probably been one of the less expensive ways to make money online that I know of. There is PPC, pay-per-click...but the cost of getting into that is not cheap. And the learning curve is high. Even with the many pay-per-click course out there, it is just baffling to most. The money is needed elsewhere and if you're like most, you'll admit right now you're doing your best to keep your head above water. So PPC isn't an option.
The sweet thing about blogging and putting up a few ads is that it is practically free. Find a place to host your site and you're in business. The important points are all covered in this blog.
So what have I been doing and where have I been the past few months? I've been developing some courses with other people and coming up with new ideas all the time. One of my latest projects is to map out how easy it is to get started in web hosting. I know, that sounds crazy, but I have a great deal of experience in that arena. And I know it something you could do, it all boils down to marketing. Just like anything else.
OK, about Christmas money. With AdSense, it's too late for that because you get paid a month after you start. But you can still get started with a site. It is easy and the only commodity is time. Combined with a little knowledge and elbow grease you'll have a perfect game plan for the new year. I know you don't have the study guide, but enough is in the blog here to get you started.
Hope you have a wonderful day and may God bless!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Why Tivo Works Well
And the answer is real easy.
It's whatever people can relate to. Write that down.
It's the reason shows like Dancing With the Stars and Extreme Makeover are SO popular! We see us up there on the screen. We can relate.
And think of something in life you loved but didn't last and the answer you'll find is that somehow it was unrelateable.
We have an innate need to connect with stuff on "some" level. It just makes sense, no? You always associate with that which makes you comfortable.
So take this lesson and apply it to your niches. Why people think Tivo is such a great product? It allows them to playback things they can relate to at any time. Sometimes that's as good as mama's chicken soup.
Love to hear your comments.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Updating Via Email
Do you have other ideas about keeping you blog content current? Share them with me and I'll post them here.
Talk soon,
Dave Jackson
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Blue Skies
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ed Dale is Fun
His Thirty Day Challenge is always refreshing and comes around each August. If you are into technology and how it can get your web business ahead, check him out here
Let me know what you think about it and if you've followed him before.
Talk soon,